Month: January 2011

  • I’ve just had the most interesting day!

    I’ve spent the entire day with a mama-to-be, the papa-to-be and the grandmama-to-be.  I spent the entire day with them at Babies R Us and at Target’s baby department. 

    Ordinarily, I’d equate this to a day in hell!  I might even prefer to listen to Sarah Palin than do this!  What made it so interesting is that this new family has been in this country a little over a year, and have no idea of what is available out there for a layette, to help mama and papa and the rest of the family.  It was truly amazing, to see it all their eyes.

    I imagine it would normally have taken less time than an entire day to register for la layette, but imagine having to explain in detail almost every thing … from wipies warmer, to the diaper ginnie, to the differences in the pacifiers and bottle nipples;  the differences between the sheet for the crib and the bassinett; explain about the changing pad; and why they would need a baby gate and convince her that she would need more than just three bottles . . . all these things we tend to take for granted.  Not just take for granted that we know what they are, what they’re about, what they’re for . . . but the fact that they’re all available for us, and the love and generosity that also accompanies a baby shower (which is a whole new concept to them).

    Another thing was the sticker shock they experienced; always opting for the least expensive items, and how many times they’d ask “but do you think that’ll be gifted in the baby shower?” By the end of the evening, I had commandered the scanner and was a baby department scanning fiend in Target. Several times I reminded her that while some items are over the $100 mark, often times several friends or family members will get together and get the higher end items for mama, splitting the cost.  I also made sure to remind them several times that just because they registered, did not mean they would be gifted every item; but at least some items they would not have to purchase themselves.  Completly flabbergasted at the idea of a baby shower and that people actually gift these things.

    Yes, I’m helping out with the baby shower too (my first, and probably my last).  So much to explain, and so refreshing to see it all through their eyes.  It’s a chore, but almost an honor, and definitely a joy!

    Baby (boy) is due May 14.

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