Month: December 2010


    For my birthday a few weeks ago, my sistah gave me (not one . . . but) two fluffy, terry inside'n out, floor-length, snuggyesque robes.  The robes are super duper extra large; I happen to be extra large (sans super duper, I'd like to believe). 

    After helping my mama cover her plants, it's expected to get into freezing temps tonight; I came in and to quickly warm up, donned the pink snygyesque robe.  I look like a great big pink abominable snow person . . . a warm snuggyied great big abominable snow person.  It's so fluffy and warm.

    I likey!

  • peek-a-boo!

    I've been thinking about this place lots lately . . . I really should stop by and visit more often.


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